Architecture | Creative direction | Volunteering | Concept
Last summer 22’’ I participated at @fundamental in Pavas, Costa Rica. We created a public amenity on the site of a future school that engaged the local community and include them in the design process. We developed multiple concepts remotely and then meet up in San Jose to finalize the concept and kick off the building phase. Once arrived in San Jose, we integrated the social perception and feedback of the community into the design.
Our intervention aims to use tactical urbanism to create a vibrant, inviting public space that lets the community know that this space is theirs and sets the stage for the future intervention of the new school.
To construct the plaza, we were relying on donated materials and support from the local community.
The project was exhibited at Art Omi in NY.
Design team: Inés Guzmán Mendez and Gregory Kahn Melitonov with Maximilian Barg, Antonia Etzkorn, Juan Jimenez Giraldo, Lina Hülsmann, Kyran Knauf, Evelyn Krutoy, Finn Moran, Gildalis Torres, Riccardo Zoc
This project was possible thanks to Hector Anchia and @grupoaie who invited FUNdamental to create an urban intervention.
Thanks to @peepahfabricadesonido for DJing at our event, @selina.costarica for donating their co-work space, and @grupopanoramacr for the vinyl donation.

before and after the intervention

Ignauration party

the mural

During a event in Pavas that we organized I took several shots of the community. We draw them afterwards and tried different design variations.
design and construction phase

moving the containers, building the stairs, painting the floor and container, implementing the palm tress

Every color reprensents a leisure acitivity. Intersection is created at the border to mix differnet activities. A platform is placed underneath the installation for perfomance such has jam sessions or talks.

using references to generate ideas for the mural

it was important to install lights to assure that the place is safe.

A platform allows to project documentaries or a movie for the public.
Stairs allow to acces the top floor. Stations are located around the main body and represent micro workshops.
Stairs allow to acces the top floor. Stations are located around the main body and represent micro workshops.

A wooden structur with fabric around it allows to create a inner space dedicated for perfomance. Circles represnt different leisure activities.

Creating platforms with the help of steel frames and recycled plastic.